Breaking news… Our PR teams’ amazing work for Oscar Acoustics is in the running for not one, but two awards at the prestigious CIPR Excellence Awards!
We’ve been shortlisted for the ‘Best Use of Content’ and ‘Best Corporate and Business Communications Campaign’. The winners will be announced in June.
This excellent news builds on the campaign’s recent nomination for the PRmoment Awards, which recognises the significance and reach of our Noise Annoys campaign for Oscar Acoustics.
In fine company…
The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) is the professional membership body for the PR industry. The awards are now entering their 40th year and our twin nominations put us alongside the industry’s star performers.
Jo Wilmot, our PR Director says, “Entering and being shortlisted for awards is important in several ways. Firstly, it proves the quality of our work and our ideas as we compete head-to-head with our peers. This is fantastic for team morale.
Then, short-listings enable clients to find potential agency partners, as marketing professionals rely on awards nominations when choosing partnerships.
Finally, award wins help us find the best people to join us, as they’re keen to be part of winning campaigns.”
The campaign, Noise Annoys, achieved an impressive 23:1 ROI for Oscar Acoustics and has already won numerous awards.
So, what’s all the hullabaloo?
Centred around a whitepaper, researched and produced by The Think Tank, the Noise Annoys campaign raised awareness among building specifiers of workplace noise and its harmful effects on employees.
Our work revealed that due to poorly designed work spaces, UK office workers are producing lower quality work and UK PLC is seeing lower productivity, and we positioned Oscar Acoustics as an industry leader in resolving this too-often ignored problem.
Our integrated campaign combined elements of PR, content and digital marketing. It secured outstanding press coverage, increased website visits and generated well over 100 leads. In short, we strengthened Oscar Acoustics’ position as the experts in commercial acoustic treatments. Learn more about the Noise Annoys campaign here.
The winners will be announced at The Royal Lancaster, near Hyde Park, on 26th June – fingers crossed for a double win!